I was shocked this morning when the priest announced there would be no mass tomorrow, while a bike shop I was in said they are open as usual ..They are getting away with it again …no mass or adoration tomorrow However, our Lord & our Lady, through the faithful in Ireland, have come up with a welcome initiative … in the run up to the feast of St Bridget on February 1st, with the following day on February 2nd, marking anniversaries for ..Our Lady of the Flame of Love – “On 4 May 1962, the Virgin requested that the Church institute a feast celebrating the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to be held annually on the Feast of the Presentation on 2 February:”MARIA 1.1 MAUNDER Our Lady of Good Success, of Quito, Ecuador as well, if I am not mistaken as well Youtube channel’s Uniquely Mary – Ancient Prophecies are about to be Fulfilled in Ireland…Get Ready for global Eucharistic Procession on February 1st Ancient Prophecies are about to be Fulfilled in Ireland…Get Ready…& Mark Mc Clane ….. Global Eucharistic Processions – The Spark from Ireland and The Prophecy of Saint Patrick Global Eucharistic Processions – The Spark from Ireland and The Prophecy of Saint Patrick – YouTube have already featured Barry and the message with Uniquely Mary & Fr Antonio Maria Diaz De Medina of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (in Derry) which video aired last Sunday, January 19th …It now has ecclesiastical approval from from Bishop Donal McKeown who invites the faithful to Derry next Saturday 1st Feb for the Eucharistic Procession” https://youtu.be/hRhHUK0XiEU?si=C6C_wc4AjpWkSjBUThen another interview with a Catholic Channel in the US Elijahs cloak last night … So the message can spread among the faithful there ..https://youtu.be/wm6oJnd543M?si=-_vzfsE2dxsi3IF4 If you are interested in learning more, feel free to follow up with Barry cc’d here or Fr Antonio (Barry can share his details). God bless
Ray Moroney